

Understanding bulimia – an overview of the condition

Understanding bulimia – an overview of the condition Understanding bulimia – an overview of the condition

Bulimia, also known as bulimia nervosa, is an eating disorder that forces a person to binge eat without any control. Binge eating refers to consumption of large amounts of food, within a short span of time. This is a psychiatric disorder, the triggers of which are varied owing to a number of factors and contributors to the binge eating condition. Bulimia is a condition, which refers to binge eating and then purging, which involves the act of forcing food out of your system before the natural cycle of digestion is complete.

However, one of the major reasons that lead to this condition is people wanting to lose weight quickly. Bulimia is one of the more orthodox ways of losing weight through rapid consumption and excretion of normal foods, also referred to as purging, forcing an alternative to the natural cycle.

Purging is forced with the use of laxatives or forceful vomiting, which can often result in a number of complications. Your shiny white molars are affected the most due to the purging, leading to breakdown of enamel due to the sheer pressure exerted during vomiting. Depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and even suicidal thoughts are the more severe symptoms of a person suffering from bulimia.

Diagnosis of bulimia

  • The diagnosis of bulimia depends on a number of factors, with age being the number one factor. Children between the age of 13 to 20 can indicate developing symptoms of bulimia. However, a very small percentage of people suffer from the prolonged effects of bulimia.
  • A psychiatric assessment is the most common method when it comes to the diagnosis of bulimia. The assessment will include questions based on your medical history. Physical and emotional health is taken into consideration while trying to identify the indicators that trigger bulimia.
  • Physical examination is also one of the methods to test heart health, lung health, blood pressure levels, weight problems, and other diet-related aspects. Improper diet is one of the biggest indicators of overeating or complete neglect of food sources for that matter.
  • Eating habits are taken into account as part of the diagnosis of bulimia since your diet is directly connected to triggers that may lead to developing symptoms.
  • Since depression and anxiety are the associated symptoms of bulimia, a thorough mental health assessment is conducted to determine the causes that may lead to the gradual developing condition.
  • It should not come as a surprise that malnutrition can also be one of the leading causes of bulimia. Malnutrition indicates calorie and food intake below the recommended levels. This can be one of the leading triggers of bulimia, with the tenacity to gain weight and lose weight rapidly being one of the side effects.
  • Osteopenia can also indicate developing signs of bulimia. Weakened bone structure is a result of malnutrition. This can be countered by shifting to a rich, healthy diet.

Early detection and diagnosis of bulimia is the only way to ensure there are no further medical complications and long-term health problems.